How to Build Wealth as a Business Owner: Practical Strategies

How to Build Wealth as a Business Owner: Practical Strategies



Building wealth as a business owner can seem daunting, especially with the constant hustle of managing your business. In a recent episode of the “Take Your Shot” podcast, we tackled this complex topic, providing actionable strategies to help you achieve financial independence. We’ll cover key pain points such as managing income, investing wisely, and dealing with debt. By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear roadmap to start building your wealth effectively.

The importance of budgeting

One of the foundational steps in building wealth is effective budgeting. Most business owners have a rough idea of their expenses, but a detailed and categorized budget can reveal opportunities for savings. Here’s a deeper dive into this crucial step:

Creating a detailed budget involves splitting your expenses into specific categories such as rent, utilities, business expenses, savings, investments, and debt. This granular approach helps you identify areas where you can cut costs. Monitoring your spending is also crucial, and using budgeting tools like Monarch Money can help track your expenses. This tool allows you to set up and manage budget categories, giving you a clear visual of your spending patterns. Adjusting your budget regularly is also necessary. As your income changes, revisit and adjust your budget to ensure you’re not overspending in any category. Keep your expenses steady even if your income increases.

How to start saving money

Saving money is often the first step towards financial security, but how you save can make a significant difference. Here’s how to optimize your savings:

Utilize high-yield savings accounts like Wealthfront instead of a regular savings account. High-yield savings accounts offer a higher Annual Percentage Yield (APY), ensuring your money earns more interest over time. Automate your savings by setting up automatic transfers to your savings account to ensure consistency. Treat your savings like any other bill you pay each month. Prioritize an emergency fund before focusing on other financial goals. Building an emergency fund to cover at least three to six months of expenses provides a financial cushion in case of unexpected events.

Section 3: The Financial Freedom Pyramid

The financial freedom pyramid is a wealth-building framework designed to guide you from budgeting to debt payoff. It consists of five steps:

Step 1: Budgeting

Budgeting is the foundation of the pyramid. Without a solid budget, it’s challenging to save or invest effectively. Most people think they are budgeting, but often their budget is only in their heads. To create a real budget, categorize your expenses into specific buckets: essential expenses, discretionary spending, savings, and investments. Monitor your spending and adjust your budget regularly to reflect changes in your income or expenses.

Step 2: Giving

The next step is giving. This can mean different things to different people, such as donating to charity or giving within your community. For business owners, giving can also provide tax benefits. By incorporating charitable giving into your budget, you can reduce your taxable income, which can result in significant savings. The key is to find a balance that allows you to give meaningfully without straining your finances.

Step 3: Saving

Many people stop at this step, but it’s crucial to move beyond just saving. Utilize high-yield savings accounts to maximize the interest you earn on your savings. Treat your high-yield savings account as your main account where you deposit all income. This way, your money earns interest throughout the month before you transfer it out to cover expenses.

Step 4: Investing

Investing is where your money can truly start to grow. Many people hesitate to invest because they think it requires a lot of money or expertise, but that’s not the case. Start with index funds, which are collections of stocks designed to mirror the performance of the market. Vanguard is an excellent choice for low-fee index funds. As a business owner, you should consider opening a solo 401(k), a Roth IRA, and a taxable brokerage account. Each offers unique tax benefits and opportunities for growth.

Step 5: Debt Payoff

The final step is paying off debt. Contrary to popular belief, you should focus on investing before aggressively paying down debt. This allows your investments to grow and generate returns that can be used to pay off debt faster. Start by paying off high-interest debt first, such as credit card debt. This approach helps you save on interest payments and reduces your overall debt more efficiently.

Practical Next Steps

To implement these strategies effectively, consider the following steps:

Set clear financial goals. Define what financial independence looks like for you. Whether it’s saving a certain amount, investing a specific percentage of your income, or paying off debt, having clear goals will keep you focused. Educate yourself continuously about financial management and investment opportunities. Resources like the “Eternal Wealth” podcast and financial books can provide valuable insights. Seek professional advice if you’re unsure about where to start or need personalized advice. A financial advisor can help tailor strategies to your unique situation.


Building wealth as a business owner is a journey that requires careful planning, disciplined budgeting, strategic saving, and smart investing. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can take control of your finances and work towards financial independence. Remember, the key is consistency and staying informed. Start today and watch your wealth grow.

Other Tools and Resources

  • Monarch Money for budgeting
  • Wealthfront for high-yield savings
  • Vanguard for investment accounts
  • The “Eternal Wealth” podcast for ongoing financial education

More from Shani Tene

Shani Tené is a successful Money Coach and financial educator who has transformed her own life and the lives of thousands through a faith-inspired approach to financial freedom. Having built a million-dollar business, Shani leverages her extensive financial knowledge and spiritual principles to offer personalized 1:1 coaching, dynamic group coaching sessions, and comprehensive digital products. Her practical experience shines through in her coaching, as evidenced by her personal financial achievements, including purchasing her house and car through smart investments. Shani empowers her clients to enhance their income, manage debt, and invest wisely, ensuring their financial goals align with their personal values. Her holistic strategy not only boosts financial health but also fosters spiritual richness, guiding clients toward sustainable wealth and true independence. Whether seeking individualized attention or the collective energy of group sessions, Shani equips people with the necessary tools to significantly improve their financial and spiritual wellbeing.

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