Why I’m Taking a Month Off in the Middle of Busy Season

Why I’m Taking a Month Off in the Middle of Busy Season


Sometimes, the best way to move forward is to take a step back. This July, I’m doing what might seem unthinkable for a wedding photographer in the thick of summer weddings—I’m taking a full month off. Yes, you read that right. This was a decision that I made last year after a really busy season in our business. On paper, you would think it was the best year of our lives. We spent a month traveling in the winter, we then bought a new house in the Spring, traveled to incredible destinations for weddings and engagements throughout the summer and Fall, and in the midst of all of that I launched the Take Your Shot Collective as well as the Take Your Shot Podcast – what a year. 

From Booked Out to Burnt Out

Are you feeling constantly “on”? If so, you’re not alone. I’ve been there—rushing from one wedding to the next, feeling the joy of capturing beautiful moments but also feeling the weight of continuous work. If there was a gold star for being the most busy, I probably would have won. That said, unfortunately I was rewarded with burnout, exhaustion and this overwhelming feeling that although I had achieved what many would call success, deep down I felt empty, exhausted, and burnt out. So, I made the decision last year to schedule intentional time off, including the entire month of July – which is the middle of wedding season here in the Midwest. I turned away thousands of dollars worth of inquiries because I value this: balance. 

Preparing for time off and goals for time off

Preparation is everything. To ensure my business runs smoothly without me, I looked into automating systems and delegating tasks. I set up my CRM, Dubsado, to handle workflows and client communications, ensuring no beat is missed. I also brought on a new team member to manage the day-to-day tasks, which allowed me to step away without worry.

There are so many goals that I can have but I want to keep it simple. I just need space and clarity. The hardest part for me when it comes to running a service-based business is the time commitment and amount of weekends and evenings that are taken up by meetings, shoots, weddings, and more. While I absolutely love what I get to do, sometimes it can feel overwhelming looking at my calendar and seeing how everything is already booked up and there’s very little time left for my personal life. While I do have boundaries and time designated for working and resting, having an extended period of time to just not have client-facing work or any weddings on weekends can allow me space to not feel stressed or overwhelmed about how fast summer goes by. 

Taking time off in the form of a sabbatical also gives me time to train for my triathlons, go up to my family cabin, and work on projects around my house – for example, I’ve always wanted to have a little vegetable garden but have never made time for it. I don’t know what the heck I’ll end up doing but I do know that having space will give me time to think through that. Even if all I get from this sabbatical is rest and clarity, I consider that a success.

Strategic Planning During the Sabbatical

During my time off, I’m not just disconnecting; I’m reflecting and planning strategically. This is a time for me to evaluate where my business is heading and what changes might be beneficial. It’s an opportunity to think deeply about new services, refine current offerings, and decide how best to align my business practices with my personal values and goals. So often, our culture can be go go go and just throw out new offers without thinking intentionally about the big picture or even making sure that what they’re offering is valuable. 

There are so many dreams and goals and resources I want to launch here, however, I am not one to just launch something for the sake of it. I want to provide value and with that, I need the time to put into it. So I am really looking forward to using this time to think bigger and deeper about what I want to do, what aligns in terms of the programs and resources we’re going to launch. I’ve been working on several projects but ultimately, I need space to evaluate what I should focus on as top priority and how I can best serve my audience and clients. Maybe this will look like shifting some goals, or leaning more heavily into them. Space to rest, reflect, and realign are all important aspects to being able to strategize, goal set, and start hitting the ground running. Creating from a place of burnout is never a sustainable option.

Embracing the Pause

Taking this sabbatical is my way of prioritizing balance over busyness, quality over quantity. It’s a reminder that to be truly successful, you must take care of the engine—yourself. Whether you’re like me and wanting to take a full month off, or you just need a few days here and there, rest is important. We were not created to work 24/7. 

If you’re considering a similar break, or just want to get better at managing your workload, here are some resources that have helped me:

  • CRM for Automation: Check out how Dubsado can help automate your client interactions and free up your time here.
  • Virtual Assistance: Learn more about the benefits of hiring a virtual assistant to streamline your workflow here.
  • Book Recommendation: “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” by John Mark Comer offers valuable insights into slowing down. Grab your copy here.

Taking a break might seem counterintuitive, especially during the busy season, but it’s essential. Listen to this week’s podcast episode to learn more about how a well-planned sabbatical can benefit your business and personal life. Join our free online community, apply for coaching, or download our free business resources at Take Your Shot Collective – Links.

Remember, it’s not just about working hard but working smart and living well.

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