Tips for Managing Busy Season as a Wedding Photographer

Tips for Managing Busy Season as a Wedding Photographer


As wedding photographers, we all know that when busy season hits, it hits hard. The back-to-back weddings, countless editing sessions, and trying to maintain a personal life can feel overwhelming. In this blog post, I’m diving into the key strategies I use to manage busy season without losing my mind—and hopefully, these tips can help you, too.

1. Prioritize Time Management

Let’s face it: when you’re in the thick of busy season, time management is everything. But if you’re like me, rigid daily routines don’t always work. Instead, I focus on planning out each week in advance. Every Sunday night, I sit down and look at what the upcoming week holds. I ask myself: What does this week need to look like? What do I need to get done? This helps me stay on track without feeling overwhelmed by a long to-do list.

Instead of forcing yourself into a strict routine (which can feel exhausting), take it day by day. Make a loose plan and allow yourself the flexibility to adapt as needed. Maybe today isn’t the day for a big editing marathon—maybe it’s a day to focus on a smaller task or even take a break. Listen to your body, and don’t force productivity when it’s not there.

2. Schedule Your Client Calls Strategically

Having a designated time for client meetings is key to staying sane during busy season. I love using Calendly to set aside specific time blocks when I’m available for client calls. This helps me avoid the feeling of constantly juggling calls and tasks. With Calendly, I can share my availability, and clients can choose a time that works for them without the back-and-forth of emails.

By setting limits on when I take calls, I protect my workflow and ensure that I can focus on other tasks without interruptions. Plus, this creates a better work-life balance by not feeling like I have to be “on call” 24/7.

3. Set Boundaries Around Shoots

During busy season, it’s easy to book shoots back-to-back, but that’s a fast track to burnout. I schedule engagement sessions or mini sessions on specific nights of the week, so I’m not shooting every evening. Weekends are often packed with weddings, so protecting weeknights for personal time or non-wedding tasks is essential. This helps me maintain energy for my clients while still reserving time for myself.

4. Stay Connected with Other Photographers

Busy season can feel isolating, especially when your schedule is different from your friends and family who have 9-to-5 jobs. To combat this, I make an effort to connect with other photographers. Whether it’s meeting up at a coffee shop for a work session or planning a mini retreat with friends, these moments of connection make all the difference.

Last year, I booked a mid-week retreat with some photographer friends. We worked on our laptops, planned future goals, and just relaxed by the lake. It was a game-changer. If you’re feeling isolated, try reaching out to other photographers and planning something similar—it can make busy season feel a lot less overwhelming.

5. Automate and Streamline with Tools

To manage client workflows and stay organized, I rely on tools like Dubsado and ClickUp. Dubsado is my go-to CRM for keeping track of client inquiries, contracts, and payments. It also allows me to set up automated emails, which saves a ton of time and ensures I’m always staying on top of communication with my clients.

ClickUp is my favorite task management tool. I use it to create “sprints” (two-week chunks of tasks) that help me break down my workload into manageable pieces. It’s great for keeping track of where I am with each client, what needs to be done, and what’s coming up next. Together, these tools help me run my business efficiently, even when things get hectic.

6. Cull Your Photos Right After the Wedding

One of my top tips for staying on top of editing is to cull your photos immediately after the wedding. I know it sounds intense, but by doing this while the day is still fresh in your mind, you can remember why you took certain shots and make quicker decisions about what to keep. Plus, it prevents the dread of having a mountain of unculled photos waiting for you later.

For culling, I use Narrative Select, which is a free tool that zooms in on faces, making it easy to see whether everyone’s eyes are open. It speeds up the process, especially with group shots.

7. Speed Up Editing with Imagine.AI

Imagine.AI has been a game-changer for my editing process. It learns your editing style by analyzing thousands of your photos, and it then applies your presets to new galleries automatically. Within 20 minutes, I have a first pass of my edits, and I can go in and make adjustments from there. It’s not perfect, but it saves hours of editing time, allowing me to focus on the finer details.

8. Take Care of Yourself

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, make time for yourself. Busy season has a way of consuming everything if you let it. Take a day off, delete your email app for a few hours, or go for a walk—whatever you need to recharge. At the end of the day, if you’re running on empty, you won’t be able to serve your clients well. Prioritize your mental and physical health, and give yourself grace when things feel overwhelming.

Final Thoughts

Busy season doesn’t have to be a grind that leaves you feeling burned out. By implementing these strategies—whether it’s better time management, using helpful tools, or staying connected with other photographers—you can navigate the busiest times of the year with more ease and less stress. Remember, taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your clients.

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Thank you for reading! I’d love to hear what tips you’ll be trying this busy season. Connect with me on Instagram, and let’s keep the conversation going!
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