Why you need a pinterest strategy with Adrienna McDermott

Why you need a pinterest strategy with Adrienna McDermott

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Pinterest serves a dual function unlike any other platform; it’s both a vast visual discovery tool and a powerful search engine, making it an indispensable asset for businesses aiming to boost their digital marketing strategy. 

At its core, Pinterest differs significantly from other social platforms because it operates primarily as a search engine. This means that businesses must approach their Pinterest strategy with the same rigor and attention to detail as their SEO efforts. On Pinterest, the focus is on discovering and saving ideas, which provides businesses an opportunity to capture interest through well-categorized and searchable content.

Leveraging Pinterest for Business Growth

Here are three compelling reasons why your business should actively use a Pinterest strategy:

  1. Low Competition: Pinterest often shows fewer competitors than other platforms. For instance, a search for local services or products might yield only a handful of competitors’ pins, giving your business a distinctive advantage in capturing the attention of potential customers.
  2. Reaching a Broader Demographic: With its growing popularity among Gen Z, Pinterest is proving to be a crucial platform for reaching new and younger audiences. This demographic shift presents a fresh audience ready to engage with content that inspires and excites them.
  3. Enhancing Content Marketing and SEO: Pinterest can significantly amplify the reach and impact of your content marketing efforts. By consistently linking back to your blog or website, each pin can drive organic traffic and improve your site’s SEO. The platform’s preference for fresh content means that regularly updated blogs or web pages linked from Pinterest are likely to perform better in search results.

Developing a Strategic Approach to Pinterest

To effectively utilize Pinterest as a marketing tool, businesses need to adopt a strategic approach that includes the following key elements:

Keyword Optimization: 

Understanding how to use keywords on Pinterest is crucial. This involves identifying and incorporating specific, targeted keywords that your audience is likely to search for, ensuring your pins and boards are easily discoverable.

Content Creation and Organization: 

The structure and organization of your Pinterest account should be intuitive and tailored to your target audience. Each pin should be compelling, provide clear and concise information about the content it links to, and encourage users to click through to your website.

Consistent Updates and Active Engagement:

 Keeping your Pinterest account active with regular updates and fresh pins is essential for maintaining visibility and engagement. Consider scheduling tools to help maintain a consistent posting schedule, ensuring that your content reaches your audience when they are most active.


Implementing Pinterest in your digital marketing strategy offers more than just an increase in traffic. It provides a strategic avenue to enhance brand visibility and engage with an audience that is actively seeking ideas and inspiration. With its unique position as a search engine and visual discovery tool, Pinterest empowers businesses to reach new demographics, capitalize on low competition, and significantly boost their content marketing efficacy.

By focusing on strategic, well-organized content and understanding the platform’s unique mechanics, businesses can effectively harness the potential of Pinterest, driving growth and enhancing their online presence.

About Adrienna McDermott – Owner of Ava and The Bee

In this episode of the Take Your Shot Podcast, we brought on expert Adrienna McDermott, owner of Ava and The Bee, a marketing agency that helps small business owners with all things strategy and digital marketing. As a former wedding professional and current agency owner who has served over 250 vendors around the world, Adrienna is a sought-after thought leader in the world of wedding marketing and strategy. After spending many years as a bridal boutique owner, wedding planner, and florist, she intimately understands the challenges that vendors face in the always-changing digital world and how important it is to stand out from the rest. With a unique blend of real-world experience and a signature step-by-step process that is always backed with data, Adrienna knows how to simplify marketing so that wedding pros can confidently grow and scale their business. She has also been a user of Pinterest since 2010 and still remembers that feeling of being accepted to join this new and exclusive program.

Learn more from Adrienna:

Get Adrienna’s Free Pinterest Guide

Visit Adrienna’s website

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